Videoanalyse er blevet et vigtigt værktøj i international fodbold. Under NF Elite-programmet i februar kan NF Academys innovation Media Sport Package hjælpe dig med at tage dit næste skridt mod [...]
Rodions Plesakovs viste sig at være en talentfuld, arbejdsom og ydmyg spiller. Han vil være en del af NF Elite Camp i vinterferien for endnu en uge med læring, efterfulgt af endnu en uge med [...]
Born in 2006 in Norway, Cille is a very talented female football player. After participating last year in NF Weekend Training in Bergen she won the "Player of the Camp" award and got invited to [...]
Gais attacker Alfredo Steiner is starting to look forward to NF International Training Camp where he is one of the players who compete to win a free spot at NF Qualification Camp in Denmark. From [...]
During the last four years, NF Academy has worked with a total of twelve players in their programs that now play in national teams. In this article we tell you where the players who participated [...]
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